
Pick­wick Pub


This place has every­thing you could ask for in a pub and more, like its lo­ca­tion - right in the heart of Malmö's en­ter­tain­ment dis­trict. The at­mos­phere here of­ten leads to a pure love af­fair. Snacks and small dish­es are served with a rich se­lec­tion of draft and bot­tled beers. It's a British-style pub that of­fers a wide va­ri­ety of beers and tra­di­tion­al pub food.

Price point
Opening hours
Sunday13:00 - 23:00Monday16:00 - 12:00Tuesday16:00 - 12:00Wednesday16:00 - 12:00Friday15:00 - 02:00Saturday13:00 - 02:00Thursday16:00 - 12:00