art studio

Pi­cas­so Artists


Pi­cas­so Artists of­fered a re­fresh­ing break dur­ing our Dubai ad­ven­ture. The stu­dio's wel­com­ing vibe, open to every­one from novices to sea­soned artists, struck us im­me­di­ate­ly. It was in­spir­ing to see peo­ple em­brac­ing their cre­ativ­i­ty with such con­fi­dence. We de­cid­ed to try a guid­ed work­shop and loved every minute. The tal­ent­ed in­struc­tors were en­cour­ag­ing and ap­proach­able, mak­ing sure every­one felt at ease. Leav­ing with our very own cre­ations was the per­fect sou­venir. If you're search­ing for a mem­o­rable ex­pe­ri­ence in Dubai, put Pi­cas­so Artists on your list!

Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 21:00Tuesday10:00 - 21:00Wednesday10:00 - 21:00Thursday10:00 - 21:00Friday10:00 - 21:00Saturday10:00 - 21:00Sunday10:00 - 21:00