baby store

Pe­tit Bazaar


Step into a world of whim­sy and won­der at Pe­tit Bazaar, a haven for dis­cern­ing par­ents seek­ing the finest for their lit­tle ones. Dis­cov­er an en­chant­i­ng col­lec­tion of Eu­ro­pean-de­signed ap­par­el, fur­nish­ings, and play­things, each piece care­ful­ly cu­rat­ed to spark joy and in­spire imag­i­na­tion. From adorable out­fits that ex­ude both style and com­fort to charm­ing nurs­ery decor that cre­ates a haven of seren­i­ty, Pe­tit Bazaar of­fers a trea­sure trove of de­light­ful finds. Seek­ing the per­fect gift for a spe­cial lit­tle one? Ex­plore their thought­ful­ly craft­ed gift bas­kets, brim­ming with de­light­ful sur­pris­es. The at­ten­tive staff is al­ways on hand to as­sist you in se­lect­ing the ide­al present or cre­at­ing a per­son­al­ized gift reg­istry. Whether you're prepar­ing for a new ar­rival or sim­ply seek­ing to add a touch of mag­ic to your child's world, Pe­tit Bazaar promis­es a de­light­ful shop­ping ex­pe­ri­ence that will leave you in­spired and your lit­tle ones beam­ing.

Opening hours
Monday10:30 - 20:00Tuesday10:30 - 20:00Wednesday10:30 - 20:00Thursday10:30 - 20:00Friday10:30 - 20:00Saturday10:30 - 20:00Sunday10:30 - 20:00