
Pe­ter Har­ri­son Plan­e­tar­i­um


Step­ping into the Pe­ter Har­ri­son Plan­e­tar­i­um is like step­ping into an­oth­er world. Stun­ning as­tron­o­my ex­hibits, per­fect for every age, im­merse you in the won­ders of the cos­mos. It's more than just stargaz­ing; the plan­e­tar­i­um ig­nites a sense of awe and won­der at the vast­ness of space. Whether you're a sea­soned as­tronomer or sim­ply cu­ri­ous about the night sky, a vis­it here is a tru­ly cap­ti­vat­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. Leave the city be­hind and em­bark on an un­for­get­table jour­ney through the cos­mos!

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesdayClosedWednesday10:00 - 17:00Thursday10:00 - 17:00Friday10:00 - 17:00Saturday10:00 - 17:00SundayClosed