Peck­ham Bazaar


Peck­ham Bazaar, a must-see in South Lon­don's Peck­ham neigh­bor­hood, is a bustling em­po­ri­um brim­ming with life. This unique space cel­e­brates Lon­don's in­cred­i­ble food and drink scene, a melt­ing pot of cul­tures. From de­li­cious street food to ar­ti­sanal cof­fee, craft beer, and un­usu­al trin­kets, the Bazaar caters to every taste and bud­get. The live­ly at­mos­phere buzzes with the sounds of live mu­sic and the chat­ter of lo­cals and tourists. The eclec­tic stalls, filled with en­tic­ing aro­mas and fla­vors from around the world, will trans­port you to dis­tant lands. Whether you're af­ter a quick bite, a re­lax­ing af­ter­noon brows­ing, or a unique sou­venir, Peck­ham Bazaar will un­doubt­ed­ly leave a last­ing im­pres­sion.

Price point