
Pas­ta Ma­nia


Pas­ta Ma­nia, found on one of Nør­re­bro's bustling streets, is a true culi­nary oa­sis that whisks you away to Italy's gas­tro­nom­ic soul. The restau­rant wel­comes guests with a com­fort­able and invit­ing at­mos­phere, filled with tempt­ing scents em­a­nat­ing from the kitchen. Their care­ful­ly cu­rat­ed menu reads like a sym­pho­ny of fla­vors, pre­sent­ing au­then­tic Ital­ian plates, each craft­ed with ob­vi­ous pas­sion. Clas­sic Spaghet­ti Bolog­nese and

deca­dent Ravi­o­li stuffed with spinach and ri­cot­ta are just two of the many dish­es show­cas­ing the chef's mas­tery. The home­made pas­ta, cooked per­fect­ly, seems to dis­solve on the tongue. Don't miss the warm and fluffy fo­cac­cia, ide­al for dip­ping into the fla­vor­ful toma­to sauce served with each pas­ta dish. Gen­er­ous por­tions guar­an­tee you'll leave feel­ing con­tent and al­ready an­tic­i­pat­ing your re­turn.

Opening hours
Monday16:00 - 22:00Tuesday16:00 - 22:00Wednesday16:00 - 22:00Thursday16:00 - 22:00Friday16:00 - 22:00Saturday14:00 - 22:00Sunday14:00 - 22:00