pakistani restaurant

Pas­sage to In­dia Take­away


Crav­ing au­then­tic Pak­istani cui­sine? Look no fur­ther than Pas­sage to In­dia Take­away. For­get com­pli­cat­ed on­line or­der­ing sys­tems – this spot keeps it sim­ple with de­li­cious food as the star. Their menu boasts a cap­ti­vat­ing se­lec­tion of cur­ries, grilled meats, and fla­vor­ful veg­e­tar­i­an op­tions. Whether you're af­ter a quick bite or a sat­is­fy­ing fam­i­ly feast, Pas­sage to In­dia Take­away has got you cov­ered. Their gen­er­ous por­tions and rea­son­able prices are just the ic­ing on the cake. Give them a try and dis­cov­er your new go-to for a taste of Pak­istan.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday17:00 - 23:00Tuesday17:00 - 23:00Wednesday17:00 - 23:00Thursday17:00 - 23:00Friday17:00 - 23:00Saturday17:00 - 23:00Sunday17:00 - 23:00