
Par­co di Monte Cioc­ci


Just out­side the city, Par­co di Monte Cioc­ci pro­vides a wel­come es­cape from the Ro­man hus­tle and bus­tle. Opened in 2013 and quick­ly ab­sorbed into the Natu­ra 2000 Re­serve a few years lat­er, the park is a haven for na­ture lovers. Wan­der along trails lined with fra­grant Mediter­ranean flo­ra and dis­cov­er peace­ful spots per­fect for a qui­et mo­ment or a pic­nic

lunch. Tow­er­ing oak trees pro­vide a sense of majesty while of­fer­ing stun­ning views of the sur­round­ing area. The park is also a haven for wildlife; keep your eyes peeled for fox­es, hares, and var­i­ous bird species. Whether you're search­ing for peace or a re­newed con­nec­tion with na­ture, Par­co di Monte Cioc­ci is sure to leave you feel­ing re­freshed.
