
Parc Ladoucette


Just out­side the city buzz, Dran­cy's Parc Ladoucette pro­vides a wel­come dose of na­ture. Span­ning an ex­pan­sive 6.5 hectares, the park is a peace­ful oa­sis per­fect for a leisure­ly wan­der or an af­ter­noon of play. The grounds sur­round the his­tor­i­cal Château de Ladoucette, a cul­tur­al gem that lends a touch of majesty to the land­scape. More than just green space, Parc Ladoucette acts as a com­mu­ni­ty gath­er­ing place, alive with ac­tiv­i­ties and spe­cial events year-round. Whether you're hop­ing for a qui­et mo­ment or a day of fam­i­ly en­joy­ment, this park of­fers a wel­come re­treat from the every­day.
