
Parc de l'Île de Puteaux


Es­cape the hus­tle and bus­tle of Paris at Parc de l'Île de Puteaux, a ver­dant oa­sis on the Seine Riv­er. The tree-lined paths me­an­der grace­ful­ly through lush gar­dens, invit­ing you to stroll at a leisure­ly pace. Take a break on a bench over­look­ing the shim­mer­ing wa­ter and watch boats glide by. Dis­cov­er hid­den nooks adorned with sculp­tures and foun­tains, each of­fer­ing a tran­quil sanc­tu­ary. The park's sprawl­ing lawns are per­fect for pic­nics or sim­ply soak­ing up

the sun. As the day draws to a close, the park trans­forms into a mag­i­cal realm, il­lu­mi­nat­ed by twin­kling lights that cre­ate a cap­ti­vat­ing am­biance. This en­chant­i­ng green haven is the per­fect re­treat for na­ture lovers and city dwellers alike. Whether you're seek­ing a peace­ful es­cape or a place to em­brace na­ture's beau­ty, Parc de l'Île de Puteaux promis­es a re­ju­ve­nat­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. Its serene at­mos­phere and pic­turesque sur­round­ings make it an ide­al des­ti­na­tion for re­lax­ation and recre­ation.

Opening hours
Monday08:00 - 22:00Tuesday08:00 - 22:00Wednesday08:00 - 22:00Thursday08:00 - 22:00Friday08:00 - 22:00Saturday08:00 - 22:00Sunday08:00 - 22:00