tourist attraction

Parc de les Planes


Feel­ing that fa­mil­iar city fa­tigue? The Parc de les Planes in Sants-Mon­tjuïc is an ur­ban oa­sis. Step­ping onto the wind­ing paths, you're sur­round­ed by vi­brant flowerbeds burst­ing with col­or, all shad­ed by a canopy of trees. The air is fresh and clean, a wel­come con­trast to the city's live­ly en­er­gy. Hid­den amongst the green­ery, you'll stum­ble

upon whim­si­cal foun­tains and strik­ing sculp­tures, each piece adding to the park's tran­quil at­mos­phere. Grab a seat on a park bench and let your­self soak in the warm sun­shine and calm en­er­gy. Parc de les Planes is a true re­treat, per­fect for any­one seek­ing a peace­ful mo­ment or a chance to re­con­nect with na­ture's beau­ty.
