tourist attraction

Parc de la Butte-du-Cha­peau-Rouge


For­get the usu­al tourist spots, Parc de la Butte-du-Cha­peau-Rouge is a fa­vorite among lo­cals seek­ing refuge from the bustling city. Lo­cat­ed on a hill in Belleville, this se­cret haven of­fers stun­ning panoram­ic views. Take a leisure­ly walk un­der the shade of cher­ry and al­mond trees, or find a qui­et bench sur­round­ed by

the in­tox­i­cat­ing scent of ros­es. Kids will love the play­ground and pé­tanque court, while a near­by café of­fers re­fresh­ments with equal­ly im­pres­sive vis­tas. As evening falls, the city lights be­gin to twin­kle, turn­ing the vista into a mag­i­cal spec­ta­cle. It's an ide­al ur­ban es­cape to re­lax and ex­pe­ri­ence the true en­chant­ment of Paris.

Opening hours
Monday08:00 - 17:45Tuesday08:00 - 17:45Wednesday08:00 - 17:45Thursday08:00 - 17:45Friday08:00 - 17:45Saturday09:00 - 17:45Sunday09:00 - 17:45