


Em­bark on a culi­nary jour­ney to the heart of In­dia at Pa­padam, Barcelon­a's pre­mier In­di­an eatery. Our skilled chefs have mas­tered the art of tra­di­tion­al In­di­an cook­ing, us­ing only the finest and fresh­est in­gre­di­ents. In­dulge in an ar­ray of au­then­tic dish­es, each burst­ing with fla­vor and aro­ma. From clas­sic cur­ries to aro­mat­ic birya­nis and mouth­wa­ter­ing tan­doori grills,

our menu of­fers some­thing for every palate. At Pa­padam, we pri­or­i­tize qual­i­ty and au­then­tic­i­ty. Our chefs metic­u­lous­ly pre­pare each dish us­ing tra­di­tion­al In­di­an tech­niques, en­sur­ing that every bite trans­ports you to the bustling streets of Del­hi or Mum­bai. Join us for an un­for­get­table din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, where the warmth of In­di­an hos­pi­tal­i­ty meets the tan­ta­liz­ing fla­vors of the sub­con­ti­nent.
