
Paco Mer­al­go


Paco Mer­al­go is­n't just a place to grab a bite – it's a Barcelona in­sti­tu­tion. This fam­i­ly-run es­tab­lish­ment has been win­ning over lo­cals and tourists alike since 1995 with a ded­i­ca­tion to tasty, gen­uine Cata­lan cui­sine. Their menu boasts a fan­tas­tic ar­ray of re­gion­al spe­cial­ties, but the seafood pael­la is a must-try. The cap­ti­vat­ing

at­mos­phere adds to the ex­pe­ri­ence, with a charm­ing­ly dec­o­rat­ed din­ing space that feels like step­ping back in time. The friend­ly staff en­hances the wel­com­ing vibe, en­sur­ing a mem­o­rable din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. Don't be sur­prised to find a line – this place is a fa­vorite – but we promise, the de­li­cious food makes any wait worth­while.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday13:00 - 12:00Tuesday13:00 - 12:00Wednesday13:00 - 12:00Thursday13:00 - 12:00Friday13:00 - 12:00Saturday13:00 - 12:00Sunday13:00 - 12:00