Ovo­lo South­side


Un­cov­er the hid­den gem that is Ovo­lo South­side, a trendy bou­tique ho­tel housed with­in a trans­formed ware­house along Wong Chuk Hang Road. Per­fect­ly po­si­tioned near Ocean Park and the MTR Sta­tion, this styl­ish haven seam­less­ly blends in­dus­tri­al grit with mod­ern de­sign. Step into a world of artis­tic ex­pres­sion where ex­posed brick walls, vin­tage fur­nish­ings, and cap­ti­vat­ing art­work cre­ate a vi­su­al­ly stun­ning at­mos­phere. Re­lax

in the com­fort of your chic and spa­cious room, each thought­ful­ly de­signed to pro­vide a haven of re­lax­ation. Head to the rooftop ter­race for breath­tak­ing city views, or ex­plore the vi­brant neigh­bor­hood with its ar­ray of trendy shops and art gal­leries. Ovo­lo South­side of­fers a tru­ly unique and un­for­get­table ex­pe­ri­ence for dis­cern­ing trav­el­ers seek­ing a blend of style, com­fort, and ur­ban ad­ven­ture.
