
Öster­lång­gatan 17


It's not hard to find a great spot for food and drinks in Stock­holm's Gam­la Stan, es­pe­cial­ly with Öster­lång­gatan 17 around. Pop­u­lar with both lo­cals and vis­i­tors, this live­ly bar and eatery is a wel­come haven from af­ter­noon into the evening. The at­mos­phere buzzes with en­er­gy – think live­ly con­ver­sa­tions and the clink­ing of glass­es. Their menu boasts de­li­cious, well-pre­pared dish­es that hit the spot. Whether you're grab­bing a bite or set­tling in for a leisure­ly evening with friends, Öster­lång­gatan 17 de­liv­ers. It's the kind of place that beck­ons you back on every Stock­holm trip.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday11:30 - 22:00Tuesday11:30 - 22:00Wednesday11:30 - 23:00Thursday11:30 - 23:00Friday11:30 - 12:00Saturday00:00 - 12:00Sunday00:00 - 23:00