
Os­car's on the Cor­ner


Strolling along the bustling boule­vards of Ph­nom Penh, you'll stum­ble upon a hid­den gem known as Os­car's on the Cor­ner. This vi­brant café ex­udes a cozy and invit­ing at­mos­phere, adorned with eclec­tic art­works and mis­matched fur­ni­ture. The menu of­fers a tan­ta­liz­ing fu­sion of Khmer and West­ern cuisines, cater­ing to every taste bud. From suc­cu­lent pork bel­ly to aro­mat­ic cur­ries and fresh­ly baked pas­tries, Os­car's promis­es a culi­nary jour­ney that will leave you crav­ing more. Whether you're seek­ing a leisure­ly brunch, a quick lunch, or a de­light­ful din­ner, Os­car's on the Cor­ner awaits with its warm hos­pi­tal­i­ty and de­lec­table of­fer­ings.

Opening hours
Monday17:00 - 03:00Tuesday17:00 - 03:00Wednesday17:00 - 03:00Thursday17:00 - 03:00Friday17:00 - 03:00Saturday17:00 - 03:00Sunday17:00 - 03:00