
Ori­ente Ati­ram Ho­tel Barcelona


Steps from the vi­brant en­er­gy of Las Ram­blas, the Ori­ent Ati­ram Ho­tel Barcelona in­vites you to im­merse your­self in the heart of Barcelon­a's city cen­ter. Its con­tem­po­rary rooms are havens of nat­ur­al light, pro­vid­ing a tran­quil re­treat amidst the bustling streets be­low. As you step out of the ho­tel, the city's cul­tur­al and ar­chi­tec­tur­al won­ders await, just a short stroll away. Ex­plore the labyrinthine al­leys of the Goth­ic Quar­ter, mar­vel at the grandeur of the Sagra­da Fa­mil­ia, or soak up the bo­hemi­an vibes of El Born. The hotel's cen­tral lo­ca­tion makes it the per­fect base for ex­pe­ri­enc­ing all that Barcelona has to of­fer.
