
Ori­en­tal Res­i­dence Bangkok, Saf­fron Col­lec­tion


Stay­ing at the Ori­en­tal Res­i­dence felt like slip­ping into a qui­et haven amidst the bustling en­er­gy of Bangkok. Each of the spa­cious suites, with their clean de­sign and abun­dant nat­ur­al light, felt like a true re­treat. The high­light was un­doubt­ed­ly the rooftop – an ur­ban oa­sis with an in­fin­i­ty pool and in­cred­i­ble panoram­ic views of the city,

per­fect for watch­ing the sun­set with a cock­tail in hand. The hotel's Sathorn lo­ca­tion of­fers the best of both worlds: easy ac­cess to Bangkok's shop­ping and cul­tur­al scene, while still pro­vid­ing a peace­ful es­cape from the city's fre­net­ic pace. The staff's ded­i­ca­tion to per­son­al­ized ser­vice tru­ly el­e­vat­ed our stay, mak­ing us feel pam­pered and well-cared for.
