
One Far­rer Ho­tel


One Far­rer Ho­tel is an ur­ban es­cape in Sin­ga­pore's arts and cul­tur­al scene. The suites are beau­ti­ful­ly de­signed with cus­tom fur­ni­ture and unique art pieces. Every room has large win­dows and a bal­cony, treat­ing you to stun­ning views of the city. When you're ready to un­wind, head to the well-equipped fit­ness cen­ter, re­lax­ing spa, or rooftop in­fin­i­ty pool – the views from there are in­cred­i­ble. Food-wise, you are spoiled for choice. Es­cape Restau­rant & Lounge serves a mix of in­ter­na­tion­al and lo­cal dish­es, while One Nine­ty spe­cial­izes in clas­sic Can­tonese cui­sine.

Price point