


Ölka­féet is a tiny cof­fee shop tucked away in Malmö's hippest neigh­bor­hood, Möllevån­gen. Step in­side and you'll be greet­ed by a cozy at­mos­phere and friend­ly staff. It's the per­fect spot to es­cape the hus­tle and bus­tle of the city with a good book or to catch up with friends. De­spite its small size, Ölka­féet's menu is

mighty. They of­fer a wide va­ri­ety of cof­fee drinks, all made with care­ful­ly sourced beans. The pas­tries are also de­li­cious, and they're all made fresh in-house. The staff is al­ways hap­py to chat and rec­om­mend their fa­vorite cof­fee drinks and pas­tries. So next time you're in Malmö, be sure to check out Ölka­féet. You won't be dis­ap­point­ed.

Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 01:00Tuesday10:00 - 01:00Wednesday10:00 - 01:00Thursday10:00 - 01:00Friday10:00 - 01:00Saturday10:00 - 01:00Sunday10:00 - 01:00