
Ho­tel Ohla Eix­am­ple Barcelona


Ohla Eix­am­ple feels like a styl­ish sanc­tu­ary, a world apart from the city's en­er­gy. Every de­tail, from the lux­u­ri­ous fur­nish­ings to the sweep­ing vis­tas, ex­udes op­u­lence. The rooms are de­signed for tran­quil­i­ty, of­fer­ing a serene es­cape af­ter a day of ur­ban ad­ven­tures. Food lovers can't miss the hotel's restau­rant, where in­no­v­a­tive dish­es fea­tur­ing sea­son­al in­gre­di­ents will de­light your palate. As dusk set­tles, the rooftop bar beck­ons, a en­chant­i­ng lo­ca­tion to sa­vor cock­tails be­neath the twin­kling city lights. And with its prime po­si­tion, you're per­fect­ly placed to ex­plore all the cap­ti­vat­ing sights and neigh­bor­hoods Barcelona has to of­fer.
