Ofe­lias Ho­tel


Ofe­lias Ho­tel: a chic es­cape grac­ing Barcelon­a's en­er­getic Gran Via. Just a stone's throw from the Plaza Es­panya metro, this ho­tel acts as your per­son­al key to the city's icon­ic land­marks and cul­tur­al gems. Rooms in­vite you in with cloud-like bed­ding, sleek fur­nish­ings, and mod­ern com­forts. In­dulge in tasty fare at the hotel's restau­rant, or find respite with a cool drink at the invit­ing bar. For

those who like to stay ac­tive, the mod­ern fit­ness cen­ter awaits, or soak in sweep­ing city panora­mas from the rooftop ter­race. Ofe­lias Hotel's lo­ca­tion sit­u­ates you di­rect­ly with­in Barcelon­a's pulse. Me­an­der down the live­ly Gran Via, take in the splen­dor of Plaza Es­panya, or un­cov­er hid­den trea­sures in the sur­round­ing area. Ofe­lias Ho­tel: where com­fort, style, and con­ve­nience com­bine for an un­for­get­table Barcelona jour­ney.
