japanese restaurant

Obon - Sushi & Udon


Hun­gry for au­then­tic Japan­ese but crav­ing op­tions? Obon has you cov­ered with not one, but *two* dis­tinct lo­ca­tions in the Lon­don area. The name, mean­ing "plate" in Japan­ese, re­flects the sim­ple yet de­li­cious fare on of­fer. We loved the Kingston lo­ca­tion for its fresh sushi and com­fort­ing udon dish­es, per­fect for a quick bite or a leisure­ly lunch. But if grilled de­lights are call­ing your name, the Ted­ding­ton branch is a must-try, pair­ing their ex­pert sushi skills with siz­zling ro­ba­ta grill spe­cial­ties.

Price point