
Novo­tel Restau­rant


The Novo­tel Lon­don Wem­b­ley Restau­rant boasts a chic and invit­ing at­mos­phere thanks to its mod­ern decor and styl­ish fur­nish­ings. Their menu takes you on a culi­nary jour­ney around the world with dish­es rang­ing from clas­sic British plates to ex­cit­ing Asian-in­spired cre­ations. Ex­pect fresh, sea­son­al in­gre­di­ents trans­formed into in­no­v­a­tive pre­sen­ta­tions. Whether you're look­ing for a laid-back break­fast be­fore a day of ex­plor­ing or an el­e­gant din­ner to end your evening, the Novo­tel Lon­don Wem­b­ley Restau­rant promis­es a mem­o­rable meal dur­ing your time in Wem­b­ley Park.

Opening hours
Monday18:00 - 22:00Tuesday18:00 - 22:00Wednesday18:00 - 22:00Thursday18:00 - 22:00Friday18:00 - 22:00Saturday18:00 - 22:00Sunday18:00 - 22:00