meal takeaway

Non­no Nino Restau­rant


For­get the fan­cy bistros one night and find your­self at Non­no Ni­no's doorstep in the 17th ar­rondisse­ment. This charm­ing Ital­ian eatery stole our hearts (and filled our stom­achs!) with their ded­i­ca­tion to home­made dish­es made with high-qual­i­ty, fresh in­gre­di­ents. Their menu reads like a love let­ter to Italy, with each op­tion show­cas­ing bright, au­then­tic fla­vors. Whether you're crav­ing a com­fort­ing pas­ta dish or a per­fect­ly-charred piz­za, Non­no Nino de­liv­ers a true taste of Italy in every sin­gle bite. Trust us, this place is a must-try for a de­li­cious and gen­uine Ital­ian meal while ex­plor­ing the City of Lights.
