Noni Tree Hos­tel


Crav­ing a lit­tle peace and qui­et in the mid­dle of ex­cit­ing Siem Reap? Noni Tree Hos­tel is call­ing your name. This low-key haven is a calm es­cape, yet still close to all the ac­tion. Choose from their com­fy dorms or pri­vate rooms, each dec­o­rat­ed with a cool mix of mod­ern style and tra­di­tion­al Cam­bo­di­an de­tails. The court­yard is a lit­tle slice of par­adise, with leafy plants and invit­ing chairs per­fect for kick­ing back and swap­ping sto­ries with oth­er trav­el­ers. The staff is su­per friend­ly and al­ways hap­py to share their lo­cal knowl­edge to make your trip amaz­ing. Whether you're fly­ing solo or ex­plor­ing with friends, Noni Tree Hos­tel strikes the per­fect bal­ance of peace, com­fort, and con­ve­nience for a mem­o­rable Siem Reap ad­ven­ture.
