women's clothing store



Step­ping into No.6 is like step­ping into the pages of a fash­ion mag­a­zine, one that per­fect­ly cap­tures the spir­it of down­town cool with a touch of up­town so­phis­ti­ca­tion. This is­n't your av­er­age cloth­ing shop; it's a care­ful­ly cu­rat­ed uni­verse of style, where each piece, from es­tab­lished names to up-and-com­ing de­sign­ers, has been hand­picked for its qual­i­ty and

unique ap­peal. The min­i­mal­ist lay­out in­vites you to browse racks filled with time­less pieces, dis­cov­er­ing hid­den gems among every­day es­sen­tials and state­ment pieces that will el­e­vate your wardrobe. The staff, as styl­ish as the clothes them­selves, are friend­ly and knowl­edge­able, al­ways hap­py to of­fer ad­vice or help you dis­cov­er your next fa­vorite piece.
