Nini Sushi


Nes­tled in the heart of trendy Copen­hagen, Nini Sushi is a culi­nary gem that tan­ta­lizes the taste buds and cap­ti­vates the sens­es. With its sleek and con­tem­po­rary am­biance, the restau­rant ex­udes a chic and wel­com­ing vibe. Get ready for an ex­plo­sion of fla­vors as you im­merse your­self in Nini's in­no­v­a­tive fu­sion of

Nordic and Japan­ese cui­sine. The menu is a tes­ta­ment to the chef's artistry, show­cas­ing a sym­pho­ny of ex­quis­ite sushi cre­ations. From the melt-in-your-mouth "Bluefin Toro" to the re­fresh­ing "Sea Urchin Shoot­er," each dish is a mas­ter­piece. Nini's sig­na­ture "Salmon Tata­ki" with crispy shal­lots and truf­fle oil is a must-try, leav­ing you crav­ing more.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday15:00 - 22:00Tuesday15:00 - 22:00Wednesday15:00 - 22:00Thursday15:00 - 22:00Friday15:00 - 22:00Saturday15:00 - 22:00Sunday15:00 - 22:00