
Night­jar Shored­itch


De­scend into the heart of Lon­don's Soho dis­trict and un­cov­er Night­jar, an in­ti­mate cock­tail bar that trans­ports you to the roar­ing twen­ties. Step through the unas­sum­ing door­way and into a sub­ter­ranean world of dim­ly lit cor­ners and flick­er­ing can­dle­light. The air is thick with the scent of vin­tage per­fumes and the sound of live jazz. The bar­tenders, dressed in waist­coats and bow ties, shake

and stir clas­sic cock­tails with pre­ci­sion and flair. In­dulge in the sig­na­ture "Bird's Nest," a smoky blend of mez­cal, Cy­nar, and egg white, served in a ce­ram­ic bird's nest. Night­jar is not just a bar; it's an im­mer­sive ex­pe­ri­ence that trans­ports you back in time. Sip on ex­pert­ly craft­ed cock­tails, soak up the live mu­sic, and im­merse your­self in the am­biance of a by­gone era.

Opening hours
Monday6:00 PM - 12:30 PMTuesday6:00 PM - 12:30 PMWednesday6:00 PM - 1:00 AMThursday6:00 PM - 1:00 AMFriday6:00 PM - 2:00 AMSaturday6:00 PM - 2:00 AMSunday6:00 PM - 12:30 PM