western restaurant



Neigh­bor­hood, a cozy bistro with a Eu­ro­pean flair, wel­comes you with the aro­ma of fresh bread and the gen­tle clink­ing of glass­es. This re­laxed and ami­able lo­cale is ide­al for a low-key get-to­geth­er with close com­pan­ions. The suc­cinct, sea­son­al­ly dri­ven menu is up­dat­ed each week, promis­ing a nov­el culi­nary ad­ven­ture. The chef's com­mit­ment to uti­liz­ing peak-sea­son in­gre­di­ents pro­duces

plates that are as vi­su­al­ly de­light­ful as they are fla­vor­ful. En­hanc­ing the culi­nary of­fer­ings is a thought­ful­ly cho­sen wine se­lec­tion show­cas­ing va­ri­eties from around the world. Whether you de­sire a ro­bust cut of meat, light seafood, com­fort­ing pas­ta, the in­formed and at­ten­tive team is on hand to pro­vide sug­ges­tions and ad­dress any in­quiries, as­sur­ing a note­wor­thy din­ing af­fair.

Opening hours
Monday18:00 - 12:00Tuesday18:00 - 12:00Wednesday18:00 - 12:00Thursday18:00 - 12:00Friday18:00 - 12:00Saturday18:00 - 12:00SundayClosed