
Nat­ur­al His­to­ry Mu­se­um


The Nat­ur­al His­to­ry Mu­se­um in Lon­don is quite the sight. Its grand scale is strik­ing, each hall re­veal­ing even more re­mark­able dis­plays than the last. The mas­sive di­nosaur skele­tons in­spire awe, while the in­tri­cate ocean ex­hib­it gives the feel­ing of be­ing sub­merged. In oth­er ar­eas, the mu­se­um's cap­ti­vat­ing ex­plo­ration of the mi­cro­scop­ic world un­veils the in­tri­ca­cies of na­ture. Step­ping into the life­like dio­ra­mas is like en­ter­ing an­oth­er realm, and the mu­se­um cu­ra­tors' ev­i­dent ded­i­ca­tion to our plan­et is in­fec­tious. This mu­se­um is sure to mo­ti­vate every­one, re­gard­less of age.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 17:50Tuesday10:00 - 17:50Wednesday10:00 - 17:50Thursday10:00 - 17:50Friday10:00 - 17:50Saturday10:00 - 17:50Sunday10:00 - 17:50