
Na­tion­al Mar­itime Mu­se­um


The Na­tion­al Mar­itime Mu­se­um tru­ly blew me away. It's not just a col­lec­tion of old boats and maps - it tells the sto­ry of hu­man­i­ty's re­la­tion­ship with the sea in a way that is both awe-in­spir­ing and thought-pro­vok­ing. You'll jour­ney through time, ex­pe­ri­enc­ing first­hand the chal­lenges and vic­to­ries of sea­far­ing life. From in­tri­cate ship mod­els to tales

of dar­ing ex­plor­ers, the mu­se­um of­fers a tan­gi­ble con­nec­tion to our mar­itime past. Even if you don't con­sid­er your­self a his­to­ry buff, the cap­ti­vat­ing ex­hibits and im­mer­sive dis­plays are sure to ig­nite your imag­i­na­tion. A vis­it here is a voy­age of dis­cov­ery for all ages, leav­ing a last­ing im­pres­sion long af­ter you've stepped back on land.

Opening hours
Saturday10:00 - 17:00Sunday10:00 - 17:00Monday10:00 - 17:0010:00 - 17:00Tuesday10:00 - 17:00Wednesday10:00 - 17:00Thursday10:00 - 17:00Friday10:00 - 17:00