
Nano Sushi (nr.1 Søborg)


Crav­ing sushi in Copen­hagen? Look no fur­ther than Nano Sushi. This place sat­is­fies with its ex­ten­sive menu of sushi and ap­pe­tiz­ers, all at prices that won't break the bank. We loved that we could or­der on­line for a quick and con­ve­nient meal. The de­liv­ery was su­per speedy, and our food ar­rived fresh and de­li­cious. With lo­ca­tions in Søborg and Char­lot­ten­lund, sat­is­fy­ing your sushi crav­ing is just a click away.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday14:00 - 22:00Tuesday14:00 - 22:00Wednesday14:00 - 22:00Thursday14:00 - 22:00Friday00:00 - 22:00Saturday00:00 - 22:00Sunday00:00 - 22:00