
Nakashita Born


Ready to ditch your usu­al sushi rou­tine? Nakashita Born in Barcelona el­e­vates Japan­ese cui­sine to an art form. While their sashi­mi and rolls, craft­ed with the fresh­est catch­es, are tru­ly de­li­cious, their sig­na­ture plates are a must-try. The Yel­low­tail Tira­di­to is a fla­vor ex­plo­sion, and the Wagyu Tata­ki will com­plete­ly change

your per­spec­tive on Japan­ese food. Their drink menu is equal­ly im­pres­sive, boast­ing rare sakes and unique craft cock­tails. Lo­cat­ed on Car­rer del Rec, this trendy restau­rant tends to book up fast, so make sure you snag a reser­va­tion. Trust us, a meal at Nakashita Born is an ex­pe­ri­ence you won't soon for­get.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday13:00 - 16:0019:00 - 23:00Tuesday13:00 - 16:0019:00 - 23:00Wednesday13:00 - 16:0019:00 - 23:00Thursday13:00 - 16:0019:00 - 23:00Friday13:00 - 16:0019:00 - 12:00Saturday13:00 - 16:0019:00 - 12:00Sunday13:00 - 16:0019:00 - 23:00