
N3rds Bar


N3rds Bar is more than just a wa­ter­ing hole; it's a trip down mem­o­ry lane for any­one who's ever loved a good video game. The own­ers clear­ly have a pas­sion for clas­sic gam­ing, as ev­i­denced by the metic­u­lous­ly cho­sen games that line the shelves, orig­i­nal­ly sourced from a lo­cal flea mar­ket. But don't let the nos­tal­gia fool you – this place is buzzing with a mod­ern en­er­gy. The

at­mos­phere is elec­tric, with laugh­ter and friend­ly com­pe­ti­tion fill­ing the air. Whether you're bat­tling it out on retro ar­cade cab­i­nets or chal­leng­ing a stranger to a game of Mario Kart, N3rds Bar of­fers a play­ful es­cape from the or­di­nary. Their drinks menu is just as care­ful­ly cu­rat­ed as their game se­lec­tion, fea­tur­ing unique cock­tails and craft beers that pair per­fect­ly with an evening of gam­ing.

Price point
Opening hours
Wednesday17:00 - 23:30Thursday17:00 - 23:30Friday17:00 - 01:00Saturday17:00 - 01:00Sunday16:00 - 23:00