
My Old Dutch


Crav­ing pan­cakes in Lon­don? Look no fur­ther than My Old Dutch, a pan­cake haven serv­ing up a de­li­cious ar­ray of both sweet and sa­vory op­tions. This place is the real deal, with a menu that goes be­yond the ex­pect­ed, fea­tur­ing clas­sic Dutch starters, fresh sal­ads, and tempt­ing desserts. A vis­it here sat­is­fies more than just a pan­cake crav­ing – it's a to­tal Dutch treat for your taste buds.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 21:00Tuesday10:00 - 21:00Wednesday10:00 - 21:00Thursday10:00 - 21:00Friday10:00 - 21:00Saturday10:00 - 21:00Sunday10:00 - 18:00