
Mu­se­um of Con­tem­po­rary African Di­as­po­ran Arts (Mo­CA­DA)


Mo­CA­DA is­n't just a place to see art, it's a com­plete­ly im­mer­sive ex­pe­ri­ence. From the mo­ment you step in­side, a tan­gi­ble en­er­gy sur­rounds you, dri­ven by the vi­brant mix of renowned and up-and-com­ing artists of the African di­as­po­ra show­cased with­in the mu­se­um. The art­work it­self is a pow­er­ful call to ac­tion, prompt­ing

es­sen­tial con­ver­sa­tions about her­itage, iden­ti­ty, and so­cial jus­tice. More than just a space for ob­ser­va­tion, Mo­CA­DA en­cour­ages ac­tive en­gage­ment. Through work­shops, talks with artists, and com­mu­ni­ty gath­er­ings wo­ven into the fab­ric of the mu­se­um, you're in­vit­ed to con­nect with art that chal­lenges, up­lifts, and ul­ti­mate­ly cham­pi­ons a more eq­ui­table fu­ture.
