middle eastern restaurant

Mum­mus / Hum­mus & more


For­get bland tourist traps, for a true taste of some­thing dif­fer­ent, head straight to Mum­mus on Sö­der­malm. This buzzing spot is a feast for the sens­es. The aro­ma of bak­ing bread hits you the mo­ment you walk in, fol­lowed by the sight of col­or­ful mezze plat­ters and the sound of hap­py chat­ter. Don't even think about choos­ing just one dish. Start with a mezze se­lec­tion – their hum­mus is leg­endary, the baba ganoush

smoky and tangy, and the falafel per­fect­ly crisp. Fol­low it up with ten­der, per­fect­ly spiced lamb chops or chick­en skew­ers, burst­ing with fla­vor. Veg­e­tar­i­an? You're in for a treat too. The lentil soup is deeply sa­vory, or try the grilled hal­lou­mi for a salty, sat­is­fy­ing bite. And what­ev­er you do, don't skip dessert. The knafeh, a filo pas­try de­light soaked in rose syrup, is the per­fect fi­nale to an un­for­get­table Mid­dle East­ern ad­ven­ture.
