
In­disk Restau­rang Mukut


Mukut, a dis­cov­ery on Yn­glin­ga­gatan, charmed us with its wel­com­ing and cozy at­mos­phere. More than a restau­rant, it feels like a friend­ly gath­er­ing spot where in­cred­i­ble, home-cooked In­di­an food is served with sin­cere warmth. Each dish we sam­pled was packed with fla­vor, a true re­flec­tion of their "cooked with love" ap­proach. The at­ten­tive staff added a per­son­al touch, mak­ing us feel like cher­ished guests. For a gen­uine taste of In­di­an cui­sine in a re­laxed and invit­ing set­ting, Mukut is a must-vis­it.

Price point