tourist attraction

Mt. David­son


Seek­ing a break from San Fran­cis­co's live­ly streets? Mount David­son, the city's high­est nat­ur­al point, is your an­swer. From this ur­ban es­cape, panoram­ic views of the city sky­line, Gold­en Gate Bridge, and ex­pan­sive bay un­fold be­fore you. Walk among fra­grant eu­ca­lyp­tus groves, teem­ing with wildlife, and stand in awe of tow­er­ing cy­press trees. At the sum­mit, you'll find the icon­ic

cross, a sym­bol of faith and re­silience stand­ing for over a cen­tu­ry. The at­mos­phere is serene, invit­ing you to soak in the city's beau­ty from this re­mark­able per­spec­tive. Whether you long for peace­ful re­flec­tion or stun­ning views, Mount David­son is a sanc­tu­ary for all. Climb to its peak and cre­ate un­for­get­table mem­o­ries amidst the nat­ur­al splen­dor that de­fines San Fran­cis­co.

Opening hours
Sunday05:00 - 12:00Monday05:00 - 12:00Tuesday05:00 - 12:00Wednesday05:00 - 12:00Thursday05:00 - 12:00Friday05:00 - 12:00Saturday05:00 - 12:00