dinner theater

Moulin Rouge


Walk­ing into the Moulin Rouge is tru­ly like step­ping back in time to a world of glitz and glam­our. The plush red decor and sparkling lights in­stant­ly trans­port you to a by­gone era. Since 1889, this icon­ic cabaret has held a spe­cial kind of mag­ic, and af­ter ex­pe­ri­enc­ing it for my­self, it's easy to see why it re­mains so pop­u­lar to­day. While sip­ping on cham­pagne,

you'll be mes­mer­ized by in­cred­i­bly tal­ent­ed per­form­ers in daz­zling cos­tumes. Their rou­tines are a stun­ning dis­play of ath­leti­cism and grace, a whirl­wind of feath­ers and se­quins ac­cent­ed by those fa­mous high kicks. The am­biance buzzes with in­fec­tious en­er­gy, a feel­ing of pure joy that cap­ti­vates the en­tire au­di­ence. For an evening of pure fun and op­u­lence, the Moulin Rouge de­liv­ers an ex­pe­ri­ence you won't soon for­get.
