
Mosob Restau­rant - Er­itre­an & Ethiopi­an Restau­rant


Crav­ing a taste of East Africa in Copen­hagen? Look no fur­ther than Mosob Restau­rant. This pop­u­lar spot con­sis­tent­ly ranks high­ly among the city's Er­itre­an and Ethiopi­an restau­rants, and for good rea­son. Their in­jera, a spongy flat­bread and sta­ple of the re­gion, is some­thing spe­cial. Use it to scoop up fla­vor­ful stews, lentil dish­es, and vi­brant veg­etable prepa­ra­tions. The ex­pe­ri­ence is com­mu­nal, de­li­cious, and sure to have you com­ing back for more.
