fine dining restaurant



Mo­ments, a two-Miche­lin-starred restau­rant in Barcelona, con­sis­tent­ly gar­ners ac­co­lades for its imag­i­na­tive, fresh, and whole­some dish­es root­ed in Cata­lan cui­sine. Step in­side this culi­nary haven and em­bark on a gas­tro­nom­ic jour­ney that will tan­ta­lize your taste buds and leave you crav­ing for more. Mo­ments of­fers a unique din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence that show­cas­es the essence of Cata­lan cui­sine while in­cor­po­rat­ing in­no­v­a­tive tech­niques and mod­ern flair. Us­ing only the fresh­est and most sea­son­al in­gre­di­ents, the chefs at Mo­ments cre­ate dish­es that are both vi­su­al­ly stun­ning and burst­ing with fla­vor. From the mo­ment you en­ter the

el­e­gant din­ing room, you'll be en­veloped in an at­mos­phere of un­der­stat­ed lux­u­ry and warm hos­pi­tal­i­ty. The ser­vice is im­pec­ca­ble, with each mem­ber of the staff ded­i­cat­ed to en­sur­ing that your din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence is tru­ly un­for­get­table. Whether you opt for the tast­ing menu or or­der à la carte, you're in for a culi­nary treat. Each dish is a mas­ter­piece, care­ful­ly craft­ed to de­light the sens­es and leave a last­ing im­pres­sion. Mo­ments is a true des­ti­na­tion for dis­cern­ing din­ers, of­fer­ing an ex­cep­tion­al gas­tro­nom­ic ex­pe­ri­ence that will linger in your mem­o­ry long af­ter you've left.

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesdayClosedWednesday20:00 - 23:00Thursday20:00 - 23:00Friday20:00 - 23:00Saturday13:00 - 14:0020:00 - 23:00Sunday13:00 - 14:00