
Mom’s Dumpling


Mom’s Dumpling is a pe­tite gem loved by San Fran­cis­cans and tourists alike. The aro­mas em­a­nat­ing from the kitchen and the wel­com­ing at­mos­phere re­veal why this eatery has thrived in the city for years. While the menu of­fers var­i­ous op­tions, the star of the show is un­doubt­ed­ly the dumplings. Pre­pared fresh upon or­der, their sup­ple dough

en­velops a va­ri­ety of fla­vor­ful fill­ings – opt for the sa­vory pork, the rich shrimp, or the fresh veg­eta­bles. Every sin­gle dumpling is an ex­plo­sion of taste. En­hance your meal with one of Mom's sig­na­ture sauces; each one im­parts a dis­tinct fla­vor pro­file to el­e­vate your culi­nary jour­ney. The sauces alone will have you com­ing back for more.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday11:30 - 21:00Tuesday11:30 - 21:00Wednesday11:30 - 21:00Thursday11:30 - 21:00Friday11:30 - 21:00Saturday11:30 - 21:00Sunday11:30 - 21:00