
Moat Mount Out­doors Cen­tre


Moat Mount Out­doors Cen­tre in East Lon­don is a sur­pris­ing oa­sis that com­bines ex­cite­ment and seren­i­ty. Push your bound­aries on the chal­leng­ing climb­ing walls and thrilling zip lines. For a more tran­quil ex­pe­ri­ence, en­joy the peace­ful lake—take a leisure­ly walk around it or sim­ply re­lax in a cozy lounge chair while bask­ing in the calm­ness. When hunger strikes, the on-site restau­rant pro­vides a wel­com­ing space to re­fu­el with tasty food and con­nect with fel­low ex­plor­ers.
