
Moat Mount Out­doors Cen­tre


Moat Mount Out­doors Cen­tre in East Lon­don tru­ly feels like an un­ex­pect­ed es­cape, ef­fort­less­ly blend­ing ad­ven­ture with a sense of calm. Test your lim­its on the de­mand­ing climb­ing walls and ex­hil­a­rat­ing zip lines. If you're af­ter a more re­laxed ex­pe­ri­ence, the serene lake beck­ons. En­joy a leisure­ly stroll around its perime­ter or sim­ply un­wind in a com­fort­able lounge chair, soak­ing in the tran­quil at­mos­phere. When it's time to eat, the on-site eatery of­fers a wel­com­ing at­mos­phere to recharge with de­li­cious food and swap sto­ries with your fel­low ad­ven­tur­ers.
