
Mi­zlala Sycamore


Mi­zlala Sycamore is a Los An­ge­les must-try for any­one who loves Mid­dle East­ern fla­vors or sim­ply craves a meal burst­ing with fresh­ness and spice. Their lamb tagine is the stuff of leg­end, slow-cooked to ten­der per­fec­tion and in­fused with fra­grant spices that'll trans­port you straight to a Mar­rakesh mar­ket­place. Don't miss the shak­shu­ka ei­ther, a vi­brant dish with

per­fect­ly poached eggs swim­ming in a spicy toma­to sauce that begs to be soaked up with their fresh pita. The at­mos­phere is live­ly, the staff is friend­ly, and the fo­cus on high-qual­i­ty, au­then­tic in­gre­di­ents is ev­i­dent in every bite. It's the kind of place you'll want to tell your friends about, a true culi­nary gem worth seek­ing out.

Price point
Opening hours
Saturday11:00 - 21:00Sunday11:00 - 21:00Monday11:00 - 21:00Tuesday11:00 - 21:00Wednesday11:00 - 21:00Thursday11:00 - 21:00Friday11:00 - 21:00