cocktail bar

Miss Wong Cock­tail Bar


Miss Wong in­stant­ly trans­ports you back to a more glam­orous time. Think 1920s Shang­hai: plush vel­vet seat­ing, dark wood ac­cents, and dim­ly lit lanterns cast­ing a warm, invit­ing glow. The ex­ten­sive cock­tail menu reads like a love let­ter to mixol­o­gy, with clas­sic drinks giv­en a mod­ern twist along­side sig­na­ture cre­ations with whim­si­cal names that per­fect­ly cap­ture their unique fla­vors. As you sa­vor each ex­pert­ly-craft­ed sip, let the sounds of jazz and blues en­hance the at­mos­phere of time­less el­e­gance. A ro­man­tic ren­dezvous or a night out with friends, Miss Wong promis­es an un­for­get­table ex­pe­ri­ence.

Price point