
Mid­point Restau­rant


Step­ping into Mid­point felt like step­ping into a post­card from Is­tan­bul, but with icon­ic Lon­don views in­stead of the Bospho­rus. This Green­wich gem sits right on the Thames, of­fer­ing up plates of fresh, vi­brant Turk­ish food with a gen­er­ous side of riv­er scenery. We went for a late lunch and lin­gered long into the af­ter­noon, soak­ing in the sun­shine and re­laxed vibe.

The menu is a tempt­ing tour of Turk­ish clas­sics, from suc­cu­lent grilled meats to del­i­cate mezes meant for shar­ing (al­though we might have snagged a few ex­tra for our­selves). But hon­est­ly? The sun­set alone is worth the trip. As the sky turned shades of pink and or­ange over the wa­ter, it tru­ly felt like we'd es­caped the city for a mini-hol­i­day.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 23:00Tuesday10:00 - 23:00Wednesday10:00 - 23:00Thursday10:00 - 23:00Friday10:00 - 23:00Saturday10:00 - 23:00Sunday10:00 - 23:00