
Mesteren & Lær­lin­gen


Mesteren & Lær­lin­gen, a fa­mil­iar sight on a bustling Copen­hagen street in Nør­re­bro, is a true gem for food lovers. The es­tab­lish­men­t's culi­nary of­fer­ings fo­cus on tra­di­tion­al Dan­ish fare craft­ed with top-qual­i­ty, sea­son­al com­po­nents, pro­vid­ing an au­then­tic ex­pe­ri­ence of lo­cal tastes. The at­mos­phere in­side is both cozy and styl­ish, show­cas­ing charm­ing retro touch­es and a wel­com­ing staff. Whether you de­sire a de­light­ful brunch, a ro­man­tic evening meal, or a tran­quil mo­ment with a warm bev­er­age, this eatery is an ex­cel­lent se­lec­tion.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday15:00 - 12:00Tuesday15:00 - 01:00Wednesday15:00 - 02:00Thursday15:00 - 03:00Friday15:00 - 03:30Saturday15:00 - 03:30SundayClosed